API Overview

Activities and Purchase Orders Endpoints

The ProCloud APIs export lines from ledgers which can then be imported into your solution. The APIs fall into two categories, Activities and Purchase Orders:


The activity ledgers provide information related to the parts invoiced, rentals invoiced, and response details (e.g., how quickly a task needs to be carried out).

Purchase Orders

The purchase order ledgers provide information related to the purchase orders including product information, who ordered it, where it's being delivered to etc.

Assets, Provider and Task Endpoints


Retrieve Reports on Assets for Asset Movement, Asset Checks.


Retrieve a list of all Provider branches and their details.


Retrieve Task configurations and reports.

Testing Endpoints

To test the API, use the https://learnwebservice2.pro-cloud.org URL.

For example, to test the Static_Activity_LineGet endpoint:


Test Code

The following code snippets show how to call the test Static_Activity_LineGet endpoint using cURL, C#, and Java. A providerGUId, password, InvoiceDateFrom and InvoiceDateTo are required. See Static_Activity_LineGet for further information.

curl --location --request GET 'https://learnwebservice2.pro-cloud.org/api/ledger/Static_Activity_LineGet?ProviderGUId=<ContactCSSForDetails>&Password=<ContactCSSForDetails>&InvoiceDateFrom=2019-03-15T10%3A14%3A11.758&InvoiceDateTo=2021-03-15T10%3A14%3A11.758'

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